Saturday, March 5, 2011

What time is it?

Checking the time
The hour is late, and I found myself going on a drive in the middle of the night for some snacks. (Don't judge me for liking 3 scoops of ice cream at 2am, I mean Baskin is open 24 hrs every day!!). I decided to bring my camera as well, why, who knows! I now have the feeling that I cannot leave my house ever without my camera, again don't judge! ;-)
While driving, I pull out the cam, I know I know, this is rather dangerous, and no I'm not a trained professional, and take a few shots.

I return home and realize that the past few nights I have had the oddest dreams, most of which are me taking pics, and everything goes wrong, I mean everything! Funny thing is, when I awake, I want to get up and shoot. This hobby is trying to leak into my everyday world, what am I to do? Well for now, my camera as well as myself are resting, but the anticipation for our next time together is mounting, lets just hope my reality overcomes my current dreams :-)

Until next time....

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