Friday, March 11, 2011

Here's to the weekend..........

View from my Door
I awoke this morning, wait, let me start this again, My son woke me up this morning, to alert me first that he himself was awake, and that the rain had finally stopped. (He is also my weatherman, I'm sure you will find this out in later in my many post, oh and if you have not figured out the other job my son has given himself, he also is my daily alarm clock. problem is, there is no snooze attached to him lol) Okay I have truly digressed! I was excited to hear from my weatherman, that the rain had ceased! I jumped out of my bed, grabbed my camera, and took a shot of the sky from my door. It was great to see light coming through the clouds, after days of darkness and rain. I'm learning that a photographer loves days that allows he or she to get out and be able to capture the world, one click at a time. So here's to the weekend, and all of my fellow picture takers, may we have a weekend that allows us to appreciate the light that creeps through the clouds.
Until next time........Click Click Click!!!

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